Monday, April 9, 2007

Bev's Journal

Bev is a sweetheart and one of my very favorite people in the whole world. She makes me want to jump on a plane and travel cross continental to get to Canada and visit her. I'm sure we'd laugh so hard my cheek muscles would hurt.

Unfortunately, the timing of the arrival of Bev's journal coinsided with "my crappy life" and I can't get the pages to come out as I'd know, in my head. I imagined soft, multilayered, gorgeousness with the old Girlscout song "Make new friends, but keep the is silver and the other's gold." It's silver and gold alright, but I'm just not thrilled. My time visiting with and working on her journal is up though. So, no more procrastinating and send it on I must. I'll just have to come up with some good way to make it up to her...


Studio Panorama said...

Oh my goodness. What an utterly sweet post. These pages are gorgeous. I love them. There is nothing what so ever to make up. You are the best and thank you so much for my wonderful pages.

much love and well wishes

Paula Dion said...

hey ...i found you ...!! glad you are still arting ....i know you do not like the journal pages you made for Bev ....but i love the pages ...and i know for sure that they are even more wonderful in person ....paula