Sunday, January 6, 2008

Music on websites

I really wanted the text I wrote with the Amy Winehouse video below to actually show up from youtube, but no. It won't. I (heart) Amy Winehouse. As usual, Borders suckered me into buying a new cd with their special pricing over Christmas and I got the Back to Black cd. After playing it for hours - I do this with every new cd, play it for hours until I know all the words - I went and bought another one. Really great stuff. Now I see what all the buzz about her is. I put the link there so you could get a feel for what music I play whilest I am creating.

Here's the thing... notice how you have to click on it to get it to play ? this is the best part because I cannot stand it when I go to someone's blog or website and they have music playing. I think it's just rude. What if I already have some music playing? What if I were at work and stealthly surfing during a boring meeting? do I need some music blasting out? um, no... and nothing gets me to click off the website/blog faster than music. Sometimes, if I'm desperate to look, I will scroll until I find the dang thing and turn it off. I don't generally post anything "opinionated", but there you have it. Automatic music on your website/blog - just don't. people. Thanks.

1 comment:

Ann Christine Dennison said...

I totally agree with you about music on blogs. I hear internet radio and it is so irritating getting somebody else's taste in music starts blasting out of the speakers, ruining what I am listening to!
I too normally get out of the blog as quickly as I can press the 'x' button, it has to be a really good blog to get me hanging around!